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Made in Madurai                

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Form a Company in Madurai and in India - Watch this movie Rocket Singh - Inspirational and Motivational

I saw a movie just now - "Rocket Singh - Salesman of the year".

I was very much impressed for the story and the motivation in the story. A new trainee salesman gets a bad treatment and embarrassment in his first job and was not given a chance for improvement in the company. He decides to cheat and build a company of his own, while he is in the day job. Rest of the story shows how he becomes a success story. You will be impressed by this movie...

In the climax, his previous boss would give a quote and I loved it about forming a company -

"When blood and sweat are printed together on paper,
beds becomes table,
home becomes office,
hunger and thirst are forgotten and children are neglected
there forms the real company"

Awesome and very motivational. I will keep this in mind!

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Saturday, February 06, 2010

Good Madurai Improvement News in Internet - Dinamalar

I think I have written about this before in one of our previous articles - here it is.

I was looking around for Madurai news and all I was finding was about Madurai's civil cases - like someone killed somebody, divorce, suicide cases and some corporation news or at times "long-time same status" infrastructure news like Airport, IT Park etc., I really was looking for improvement or criticism news about Madurai with photos.

If that was not available, I thought of doing so. Anyway, I was able to find that kind of improvement news in dinamalar.

The issues like Lot of Posters are there in all kinds of walls in Madurai. The issues like animals are all around madurai and nobody cares about it. The issues like broken roads, crazy traffic in madurai and rules not being followed etc., The interesting thing is that the improvement or issues articles are posted with photos.

Check it out yourself.

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Friday, February 05, 2010

Madurai Passport Office Corruption - Officials arrested

The news yesterday about Madurai Passport office is that there has been arrests of couple of passport officials for corruption and passport racket.

Can you imagine the corruption officials include women also? These officials have corrupted with bribes almost Rs.25 lakhs and produced passports on Tatkal.

The 3 officials involved in this were arrested yesterday by CBI. What a disgrace!

Such an important position and this might involve any national threat also, by issuing passports illegally. How could this happen?

This incident arises a question in my mind - Does Madurai need a passport office or any kind of branch office - if the officials behave in this way? (This article is aiming at only corrupt officials and I am sure there are majority of sincere and clean officials).

Anyway, Grow up Madurai!!

News about Madurai corruption in passport office.

Our blog post for Madurai Passport Office details.

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