Madurai Experiences: Traffic in Madurai
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If you can drive in Madurai, you can drive anywhere in the world!
You need to have a special skill to drive in Madurai.
You get scoldings and abuses from people who share the roads with you in Madurai. With not great road conditions, people drive rash inside the small roads. Too many vehicles in the small place. Very few follow traffic signs!:|
One day I stopped for a red signal and I was honked by people in back to go fast and skip the signal. I never knew whether I have to stop when there is a red signal or not. No one stops at the exact line of STOP.
People honk their horns left and right. I am not sure why they honk many times. Roads are supposed to be silent with only the engine sounds of the vehicles. Some people keep on horning, for no reason. I am not sure if they know about noise pollution or not.
Labels: madurai traffic
Hi Madurai machan,
Can you show any one city in India that run without horn? you are showing that you live abroad and can see only bad things in Madurai, better change your name from 'madurai machan' to 'Paradesi uncle'
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM
I appreciate you reading the blog and responding with your comment, but it is not right to give names!
If you have spent time in the blog, you would have noticed that I have provided more positive side to Madurai than the negative thoughts.
The only way anybody in Madurai is going to know that there are cities in the world without unnecessary horns on the road - is through a blog or anybody telling about it in person or other mechanism to the people in India or any city in India or in Madurai.
So, these kind of information is necessary to be conveyed or broadcasted.
Realization or Change comes only by "knowing". A first step for a smoker to quit smoking is to "KNOW" that smoking kills slowly and also there are many people who do not smoke and live happily.
Hope this makes it clear!!
Madurai Machan, at 4:05 PM
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