Reduce Prostitution in Madurai and send to rehab
Prostitution is a business of girls where girls or ladies sell their body for pleasure of men. Prostitution happens in different levels of society. In high class, it is done in apartments or individual houses or the girls might be brought to the house via tinted glass covered cars etc.,
In lower class, all the girls might be available in bus stands or public places for pick up. Or there might be agents to help the customers to reach the girls.
Well, that was a definition of prostitution. However, how these girls are coming to this business? Due to unavoidable circumstances and due to wrong minded relatives etc., and once they are into this loop, they don't have any other option and they continue it. Well, of course the society does not accept back the same person as well.
Is prostitution good or bad for the society? There are various perspectives to it. It is good in some ways and it controls some crimes, but in lot many ways more and more innocent girls are brought into this business for flourishing the business. This is not good for the society.
Recently I saw a prostitute in Mattuthavani bus stand and she was negotiating with a potential customer. Also I noticed one more person in Periyar bus stand and Arapalayam bus stand.
Well, I request the government to do some kind of resolution to this. I would not request the government to punish the girls or ladies, but to give them alternatives. To give them some other way of business which is recognized in the society. To give them some other life. Explain them that this is not it and they can lead normal life. Explain them that they can change their lives and government can help them.
There is no use in punishing them, but to help them. Even non-profit organizations can help them and not just government has to help. May be they can be joined into some old age homes where the old people can be helped and the same time do not reveal their past life to anybody and keep that matter confidential.
You know - that will be better. Due to the prostitution in Madurai, there is high possibility of AIDS and other diseases being spread to normal people also. Here is the Madurai statistics for AIDS disease. Due to a man's mistake, even the women folks and children end up getting AIDS which is not of their mistake. In a monthly time frame, there are cases reported in Government Rajaji Hospital in Madurai. We have written article about that before.
Again, it is no use punishing them and putting them in jail, but only to have them put in rehab, counsel them and help them. The girls have no other option most of the times.
Well, to identify these prostitutes in Madurai - here are some tips to find out - they wear bright coloured saree or chudithar, lot of make up, bunch of flowers, they might be even wearing a thaali (mangal soothra) kayaru, wearing anklets sometimes. In terms of behavior, they look straight into the men's eyes and try to check your acceptance or your interest. Usually they are alone or they talk to some shop keepers, some auto walas touching their hands etc.,
This article is not to hurt anyone, but to have a cleaner Madurai and have a healthy Madurai.
Another reason we wrote this article is in terms of keywords of Madurai in internet, we are finding that there is lot of searches for Madurai Prostitute, Madurai Prostitute mobile number, madurai prostitute number, Madurai Prostitute Hotels, Madurai sex, Madurai girls, Prostitutes in Madurai, sex tourism in Madurai and interesting the searches are from outside Madurai and people are looking for this kind of activity in Madurai. Another interesting factor is many searches are from foreign countries as well. Is somebody distributing girls to tourists?
I am not sure where this girls distribution happens or where this business happens and how they do it etc., but a clear probe into this matter from Collector or Commissioner will be helpful.
We do not want to have Madurai to be a Sex tourism spot for tourists, like the way some of the far east asian countries are there today for Caucasian (Europe or US folks) tourists.
We from New Madurai Foundation request the government officials or Non-profit foundation to take action(do not punish but do rehab) of this business folks. Some one has to take action against it. Preferably government can do the needful.
This article is submitted to Collector and Commissioner.
Labels: madurai girls, madurai ladies, madurai sex, prostitute in madurai
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