Madurai Mattuthavani Bus stand is dirty, bad name for Madurai, damaged and irregularly functioning
Madurai has almost four bus stands for all the commuters and passengers to Madurai, in and around Madurai and from Madurai to go here and there. The bus stands are/were - Mattuthavani Integrated Bus Terminus (stand), Periyar bus stand, Anna Bus stand, Arapalayam bus stand and Palanganatham bus stand.
Nowadays (after the bypass roads and ring roads) full-fledgedly functioning bus stands are Mattuthavani bus stand, Periyar bus stand and Arapalayam bus stand.
Mattuthavani bus stand is an integrated bus stand and that was made in the outskirts of Madurai, where all the local, south, east and north of Madurai buses start and come in. Periyar bus stand is kind of a central bus stand for all the local buses in and around Madurai. Arapalayam bus stand is for both local and west bound buses.
For the benefit of the article, let us just look at the state of Mattuthavani bus stand. Mattuthavani bus stand is the bus stand visited by all the people outside of Madurai. That is sometimes the entry point of Madurai, except for the passengers coming in via Arapalayam or Railway station or Airport. Hence, that has to be maintained very well as a first thing.
The maintenance of a facility is always in the hands of two people - one is the government and second the people who use it. Currently, Madurai Mattuthavani bus stand is in pretty bad situation.
1) Mattuthavani bus stand is dirty to the core.
2) Toilets are dirty, though it is all paid ones. One of the shocking things I noticed is the rates for toilet usage - urinals. I happenned to use the toilets by around 9 PM and the rate was Rs.2. Then I happenned to use on some other day at around 4 AM and the rate was Rs.5. Unbelievable!! Due to urgency and no other way, some folks had to pay Rs.5 and use the toilet. Will the corporation look into it? Why should we pay that much for usage of the toilet? People might go and do urinals just outside and spoil the Mattuthavani bus stand automatically, if these kinds of rates happens.
Everywhere the smell of urines is there. Why can't we resolve these kind of issues and keep it neat.
3) Madurai Mattuthavani bus stand is said to have ISO Certification and it is now doubted how they have got the certification with this kind of standard. May be while inaugurating the bus stand it was neat and tidy, but the process and procedures has to be set for all improvement and maintenance of the bus stand as days goes by.
4) Domestic cows hanging out in bus stand.
5) Lot of trash even in front of the bus stand is unbelievable. Given the situation that Mattuthavani bus stand is not anymore outskirts of Madurai, government has to maintain and take of these bus stands and keep it neat and tidy.
6) Shops have taken their own shops and there is no approval for these kinds of shops. This hinders the passengers walkway a lot.
7) There is no proper chair facility and even if it was there it is all broken.
Will the government take appropriate action and take care of this?
Madurai is great for ancient historic sight seeing and we have this kind of bus stands and that spoils the image of Madurai.
We request you to improve these bus stands.
An immediate action to be taken by collector is requested from New Madurai Foundation!
This is reported to Collector, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of Madurai via Email.
Labels: busstand, madurai tourism
Good job Madurai247.
Thanks for the initiative.
Santhana, at 11:59 AM
Collector has taken action against based on our story and few other observations...Here is the proof...
Thanks Mr.Sagayam IAS.
Madurai Machan, at 11:56 AM
Yesterday night I happenned to visit Mattuthavani bus stand.
After Collector's raid on a fine day, many shops are taken off and the bus stand looks empty pretty much with only buses and few shops.
It is surprising to see this is the real bus stand.
Some more cleanliness is needed, which will effectively happen I guess.
Madurai Machan, at 10:34 AM
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