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Made in Madurai                

Monday, March 31, 2008

Calling for blogging in the "Madurai Times - Made In Madurai" Blog

Do you want to earn little extra income, for your little expenses?

Are you passionate about Madurai?
Are you little crazy for Madurai?
Are you excited about the improvements and development in Madurai?
Do you have good english and have a liking to write?

If you have an answer genuinely for any or most of the above questions is YES, then please read on...

1) "Madurai Times" is looking for someone who would like to join the authors of the "Made in Madurai" blog.
2) The author is supposed to write articles about Madurai, happennings and any news in and about Madurai.
3) Article can be even from 5 lines to 100 lines also. Preferably, author has to live in Madurai. If you are living outside Madurai, then the author is expected to be very passionate about Madurai.
4) You just need to work like 1 hour in the week and you can earn from Rs.100 to Rs.1000 per month!

If you are OK with this, please email your contact(Email and/or phone) details to maduraitimes@gmail.com. Email is mandatory.

At this point, I remember a proverb: "Karumbu kadikka kaasaa? (Giving money for biting sugarcane?)

Thank you



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