Madurai in 2009
MADURAI IN 2009 - News, Happennings, Potential, Updates, Happennings, Improvements
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Madurai - the big village is always a village. There is progress in development and growth, but it is not as normal or as expected. The progress is very slow.
Given an example and a pity situation of Madurai -
An article in Hindu dated April 28, 2008 about the New Airport terminal in Madurai that - New airport terminal at Madurai to be ready by next March that is March 2009. Hello!! Today's date is nearing Jan 2010.
Will we achieve improvements in Madurai? What is lagging in Madurai? What is stopping the progress? Isn't there enough funding or resources for the project? Is it because of corruption among officials and contractors?
I am going to cover lot of topics and happenings in this article for Madurai in 2009 including - Health, Society, Business, Politics, IT, BPO, Entertainment - Movies, Passport office, Happennings, Improvements, Changes and Status of people.
Madurai Business:
To begin with - due to market slump across the globe, there is a dip in Madurai businesses especially Information Technology (IT and ITeS) and real estate. Last year (i.e.,2008) in Madurai, there were steep prices of lands and houses. Even agricultural lands in villages around Madurai were very expensive. But, this year 2009, Madurai's real estate has fallen down drastically. Lands prepared as plots are just waiting just like that. Very few buyers, so real estate agents are starving for sales of their lands. Hoping to see some improvements in the coming year 2010.
Madurai Slums:
Speaking about businesses and richness in Madurai, there are still slums in Madurai. Though there are many SHGs and NGOs cropping up, we are not in a situation of completely getting rid of slums and improve. However, there is increasing awareness among people in Madurai slums. Credit goes to NGOs and communication/media technologies like Cell phones and TVs etc.,.
Madurai Politics:
In Political grounds, there had been significant contribution to Tamil Nadu and India. There was Thirumangalam elections in early part of the year and changed tamil nadu politics significantly. It was a sweeping victory for DMK, though it is just a small constituency. It was a prestige issue for DMK in regards to this election and DMK did it. Tirumangalam constituency got benefited to a great extent. In fact, there were many common citizens who spent a lot due to a "stimulus" money contribution from all the parties in this constituency. Mr.MK Azhagiri became Southern Districts Seyalaalar - the one man having control over all the southern districts. Mr.MK Azhagiri becoming a Cabinet Minister from Madurai. Also, the fertizers minister has promised that he would change Madurai to a Model city. Also, Mr.Azhagiri promised steps to establish major industries in southern districts. It is a great belief that there would be great improvements in the city, considering Mr.Azhagiri's new positions in the political arena. As you can imagine, it is not one day task, so we are hoping things will materialize in the coming days.
Madurai Movies and Entertainment:
In the entertainment section, too many movies based in Madurai has been out in the theatres. Madurai has been heavily untapped market for the movies and lately that was discovered. Subramaniapuram (end of 2008), Madurai Sambhavam, Madurai to Theni Vazhi Andipatti, Nadodigall are few of them. Usually, there has been movies based on Coimbatore and Chennai. People were bored I believe and now it is time for Madurai also. Now, people are bored of movies based in Madurai. I think it is beaten to the core by now.
Madurai Infrastructure:
Infrastructural improvements are just on the same status. Even if there has been progress, it has been minimal or slow. Madurai's airport terminal is still in progress. Madurai's AIIMS plan has been just stopped after the foundation ceremony. When dinamalar complained about why AIIMS is not progressed, State government claims that it is a central government project and it is not in our control. Central government is in the process of starting back the project - hopefully!
IT Park was started and ELCOT is progressing on that - but there is no success story yet. Hopefully next year there will be a better status and I am hoping I don't write the same status again in 'Madurai in 2010'.
I remember, a CPI Leader even proposed for for Anna University in Madurai, which did not materialize. Aeropark in Madurai was proposed by someone, but that also did not materialize. Only AIIMS, IT Park and Airport Terminal is in next steps to proposals.
Madurai Education:
Madurai Library to go hitech with some computers. Currently it has 1 lakh books for lending and 56000 books for references.
Madurai Tourism:
Many Hotels, Theatres have come up. Heritance hotels has been opened in Madurai. Many cinema theatres are renovated and bought by biggies and improved. Good for Madurai people, who do not have any entertainment.
Chithrai Thiruvizha was celebrated happily.
Madurai Information Technology - IT Companies:
Big Software companies have reached out to Madurai and planned to start their centers. Even Google has come to Madurai with a Google Bus. Google was collaborating with Aravind Hospital on behalf of Google Foundation. Yahoo was setting up a research center. As usual, Honeywell is already there in Madurai Tirunagar area.
Satyam bought land in Madurai for their centre, but due to Ramalinga Raju's bad karma, he had to step away to jail. I am not sure what happenned to the land bought by Satyam. Infosys was eyeing Tier-II cities including Madurai for expansion - similar way of thinking like Satyam! Oracle had plans to start a center in Madurai.
CII Madurai Chapter and MADITSSIA proposing Madurai for new projects. CII Madurai Chapter had been announcing that Madurai is the next destination for BPOs. There were many BPOs started and closed due to lack of business acumen, projects or resources. Some of the solid BPOs are still around.
Madurai Passport Office:
Madurai Passport Office is fully functional in Madurai, but still there are lot of complaints regarding the functioning of Madurai Passport office. See our post about Madurai Passport Office in the maduraitimes blog.
Madurai Events and Tourism:
Sivaji statue to be unveiled in Madurai by Mr.Azhagiri.
If you don't have time to go to Madurai, you can have a virtual tour in Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple - Madurai Temple Virtual Tour. Still, you can visit Madurai, after viewing this virtual tour.
Madurai Marathon, FinExe 2009 (Micro small and medium enterprises finance market place initiative) etc., were some of the events in Madurai.
(TMS) TM Soundarajan was appreciated for lifetime in Madurai by Mr.Azhagiri.
Madurai Miscellaneous:
Here is a list for eating spots in Madurai - Places to eat in Madurai.
here is a list of hotels for staying in Madurai - Hotels in Madurai - Place to Stay
There are n number of websites for Madurai - here is one of them:
Madurai Health:
Chikunguniya has affected Madurai a lot in terms of health and in turn had affected the productivity of the Madurai city itself. It is advised we stay healthy and hygiene and do not catch up all these diseases. Stay away from mosquitoes - they are the main causes for this disease.
Madurai Poverty - Law and Order - Crime rate:
Still poverty and crime rate is more than average. There is robbing of chains, robbing of houses, when residents have gone out of station. Even nights are not safe for anybody carrying cash and jewels. In this 'thoonganagaram' Madurai - Women folks do not have complete safety in the streets in nights and sometimes in day time in empty streets! What a pity!?
Having mentioned everything about happennings in Madurai for 2009 - Madurai Times Publication wishes everyone a very very very HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone for 2010.
Ippadikku ungall nanban
- Madurai Machan!
Article Note: If any errors or data mistakes, please do post a comment OR if any additions/updates - feel free to add a comment below. Thank you!
Photo Note: I always choose MS Subbulakshmi for a photo for the respect and her origin from Madurai. She exactly signifies Madurai - for its beauty, mangalagaramaana mugam and singing art/ability. She is elderly and similar to that of Madurai. Vanakkam MS Subbulakshmi annaiye.
Labels: madurai improvement, madurai in 2009, Madurai News and Updates, Milestones
Hi Madurai Machan,
Your update on Madurai is really a wonder...
It has been very great to know that we will be having an IT park soon in Madurai.. Also, AIIMS, Internation Airport and others...
Looking forward a good news from you on IT Park at Elandaikulam, Vadapazanchi and nearby Pondy Kovil...
For quicker actions, can we show any protest on the delay of IT parks...
If then, most of us from Madurai will be ready for it....
JK4U!, at 4:58 PM
AIIMS - Very doubt whether it will come up. No one is really interested to make it co me soon.
Anonymous, at 10:50 AM
Why do you think so Anonymous?
if you can read tamil - here is the latest news from dinamalar.
Madurai Machan, at 11:18 AM
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