Opportunity to contribute to Akshaya Trust - Narayanan Krishnan Madurai
Please vote for Narayanan Krishnan -
Labels: NGOs, non-profit
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Please vote for Narayanan Krishnan -
Labels: NGOs, non-profit
dear sir,
i have seen your program in jaya Tv
so nice of you....can i know your auditors name and firm ...seeing is belving...but all the seen are not beliving..is it not?...when i visited chennai i attend a wedding..where i asked about the meals...it was so wonderful...then i asked how much you oyu pay for a leaf? they told me it is Rs. 120 ...if it is so when you feeind the poor and disabled people how come it is 388 us dollrs per day ...meeans nearly Rs 20,000 which means you are feeding nearly 170 people ...is it so? is the Govt of Tmail nadu and madurai corporation is mere spectator? cant you not get the help from the Govt of Tamilnadu?
with warm regards
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM
in response to the earlier comment.. it doesnt cost 120 rs to get a meal in india.. funny being an indian u dont know that.wedding caterers are in a business to make money . they also employ people who they have to pay. more over the service charge is included. they are not going to break it down and tell u the cost of the food only. rice for a kg will be 30rs , if u made a whole vessel of sambar it can be done in 70rs if ur looking to put in all veggies. you still left with 20 for oil and gas to cook that.
all the meals krishan mentioned in the video are simple sustenance meals. i dont know how intelligent people like the person who commented above cannot understand this. after all the trouble he has gone to calculating. its hilarious.
As for the government... Mr krishnan wouldnt have found this cause to work for in the first place.. if we had a responsible government. politicians who keep big bank accounts by denying their people basic needs have to remember that very action has a equal and opposite reaction... you may have to take birth a million times and feel hunger in every of those births and so will their children.. there is no escaping karma...
we all are concentrating so much on saving that we have simply forgotten to give... i was recently stopped by my husband from doing that and i thank god for it. i was worried we would fall short in case of an emergency... but can one really have enough money to cover all future needs? sometimes even having money may not help. i am glad he took a firm stand and made the donation.
the joy of giving is something that makes you feel humble and yet so filled with happiness. these people who have nothing materialistic to offer have given us the oppertunity to feel joy and feel human once again
liya, at 1:40 PM
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