Kili Josiyam - Astrology with Parrot, parrot astrology, palm reading, numerology, vaastu sastra: Madurai Astrology
Kili Josiyam - Astrology with Parrot: Madurai Astrology
As you know Madurai is famous for the astrology, in number of different ways.
How to check out the future? Madurai people are crazy about the parrot astrology, palm reading, numerology, vaastu sastra, nameology, kuri sollrathu(Verbal astrology by touching hand with a little stick), saamiyaar(priest) etc.,
For some astrology in madurai might make lot of sense, but for some it might mean stupidity. Why should I rely on a parrot for my future. The future is in our own hands.
If you are wondering what is parrot astrology(josium), here is an explanation -
A man sits on teh streets with his little carpet. His forehead is filled with sandal powder, holy ash and kumkumam. He looks lot holier than he is. He is clad with dhothi and a shirt. He has a little cage, which has a green parrot in it - red peak.
Also a bunch of cards, which has photos in it.
What he does is - if you request for a session, he agrees to you and he tells(gives signals) to the parrot to come out and take a card and give it to him. In fact, if you closely notice, the man will give the parrot something to eat, as a token everytime the parrot takes the card for him. Anyway, that apart, your future is told based on the photo in the card. Crazy, isn't it?!
It usually cost Rs.10 - one fourth of a US dollar.
Madurai Palm Reading - By seeing your palm's lines, the astrologer would say your future! Again Crazy!!
Madurai Numerology - Based on various numbers involved in your life, your future is decided! That is the philosophy and again crazy!!
Madurai Vaastu Saastra - House or a building is built based on a particular ancient science called Vaastu saastra. I have even seen existing buildings demolished for renovating based on vaastu. Crazy!! Some believe it - i respect their belief.
Madurai Nameology - Based on your name, your future is decided - Crazy!!
Madurai Kuri Sollrathu - Most Crazy stuff! The lady who tells you kuri, has a big red bindhi.
Madurai Saamiyaar(Priest) - Pray the god, instead of men and women!
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Anonymous, at 9:46 PM
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